Techstructive Weekly: Issue 6

Week #6

This week was all about diving deep into the details of my projects. After weeks of building, I spent this week debugging and testing everything, pushing things to the next level. My goal was to have a working demo by the end of the week, which I started on Wednesday—and I’m happy to report that I almost hit the mark. There’s always room for improvement, but the testing phase went as planned, and the hypothesis is holding up.

I’m pumped for next week at work, where I’ll be wrapping up some key integrations. Once again, LLMs are proving to be game-changers.

Quote of the week

“The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

— Paulo Coelho

I failed at the start of my week, I had poor results from the experimentation that I did, that was me limiting myself to the things I knew and got very rigid in the approach, but just a single change of thought, and guidance from my manager got me straight from nowhere to somewhere I wanted to be, where he knew I should be. This is the result of showing up eight times, after failing seven times. Keep showing up, even if you fail, fail harder, or go the rock bottom, you will learn or discover something new for sure and that’s growth, that’s winning, much better than becoming invincible.





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That’s it from this week, I hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!

Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week.

Happy Coding :)