Techstructive Weekly: Issue 4

Techstructive Weekly #4

It was an exhilarating week for me, learned a lot of stuff, wrote a lot of code, pushed a lot of bugs, and tweeted a lot. This week, I wrote a lot of Python scripts at my work for experimentation setup and testing a lot of things, I was learning and prototyping my idea of Audiofy with Appwrite cloud, and read some inspiring articles.

Let’s refresh the developer’s life a bit and think philosophically.

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Quote/Thought of the week

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” – Abigail Adams

Not every week is the same, if it is then you are not learning, you are not growing. Stepping outside of the comfort zone is the way to get out of that creative slump. There needs to be hard work and curiosity to drive learning, it won’t come by thinking about how worse the situation is, taking action is the key, if you fail, you learn something.




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That’s it from this week, I hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!

Follow me on Twitter/X for more of my thoughts and tech stuff.

Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week.

Happy Coding :)

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