Techstructive Weekly: Issue 2

Week #2

This week I made some mistakes at my job (well they were the week before) but they got caught after the review. I learned how powerful reviews could be at catching flaws in code. I also caught a bug while pair programming, it was a mixed feeling as a developer for me this week.

In the end, I would recommend debugging your code thrice, yes not once, not twice but thrice, and also make sure to forcefully make the code flow reach the section of your changes, if that is a bit of an edge case thing.

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On the side, I have been playing with the Meta AI API (not the official API) to use it anonymously without logging in using Golang.

Quote of the week

“We all make mistakes, but it’s how we come back from the mistakes that matters.”

- Unknown

As I said, I made mistakes, but those were guiding principles and learning experiences to grow with. You can cry and give reasons, or accept your mistake and improve. Choose the latter, it will help you grow.




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That’s it from this week, I hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!

Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week.

Happy Coding :)

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