Techstructive Weekly: Issue 1

Week #1

This week, I had a ton of fun on the side as I finally made the MVP of a side project. An SSG with a Content Management System-like interface. an SSG with an editor that syncs up the posts from a database.

In this process, I learned about Cloudflare workers and golang. At work, I had some thinking and experimentation with LLMs.

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Quote of the Week

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

The LLM thing is affecting the mindset of people, more of which people think that it is going to replace humans, but really? Can a computer program that computes some numbers based on some other numbers even compare to human thoughts? That’s way far from what you are capable of, don’t waste the energy in thinking this.


Well, I didn’t write any articles this week, I am in the research phase for writing the Golang Patch Method, which is an interesting topic. It has way more things than I expected to be. This is what I love about writing articles/blogs; it helps me learn concepts in such detail.

Hopefully, next week, there will be an article to share in this newsletter.




Tech News

As always, I recommend going through the HackerNews Newsletter to get all the tech news.

That’s it from this week, hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!

Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week. Happy Coding :)