Techstructive Weekly: Issue 0

Week #0

This week was about writing one of the much-procrastinated blog posts, starting a YouTube channel, and going through some heavy debugging sessions with my colleagues at work.

Quote of the week

It’s harder to say things which are easier to do, and easier to say things which are harder to do (It’s just my random thought converted to a quote)

Seriously think about this quote, it is easier to say I will go to the gym daily, and read books, but working on them is it hard. Why is the harder to say that I am scrolling through Twitter, and Instagram, having burnout, but taking action against it is sheer a change in mindset?


Nginx Creating Web Applications - Part 2 of my Nginx Survival Guide I finally wrote my second post in the Nginx Survival guide, after procrastinating for a couple of months, this weekend, I’ll be writing a post on the Golang series. So, keep an eye out for that.




Tech News

For more updates, I follow hackernews.

That’s it from this week, hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!

Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week.

Happy Coding :)